Description of ‘Ali that Made Mu`awiyah* Weep.


After Ali died , Mu`awiyah bin Abi Sufyan said to Dirar bin Damrah
“Describe ‘Ali to me.”
“Will you not excuse me from answering you,” said Dirar.

“No, describe him,” insisted Mu`awiyah.

“Please excuse me from doing so,” said Dirar.

“I will not,” said Mu`awiyah.

” I will do so, then” said Dirar with a sigh.

“By Allah, he was (far-sighted) and very strong. He spoke with a truthful finality, so that, through him , truth became distinguished from falsehood. He ruled justly, and knowledge gushed forth from him, as did wisdom. He felt an aversion to the world and its (pleasure). He was comfortable with the night and its darkness ( meaning he prayed a lot). By Allah he would cry profusely ( from fear of Allah); long durations would he spend in contemplation, during which time he would converse with his soul. He showed a liking to coarse garments and lower-quality food. By Allah, it was as if – in his humbleness- he was one of us: when we asked him a question, he would answer us; when we would go to him, he would initiate (the salam); and when we would invite him (to our homes), he would come to us . Yet, in spite of his closeness to us, we would not speak (freely) with him, because of the dignity and honor that he exuded if he smiled, he revealed the likes of straight and regular pearls(his teeth). He honored religious people and loved the poor. The strong person could not hope to gain favors from him through falsehood. And the weak person never lost hope of his justness. I swear, by Allah, that on certain occasions, I saw him in his place of prayer when the night was dark and few stars could be seen; he would be holding his beard and crying the way a very sad person cries; and I would hear him saying,

“O world, O world, are you offering yourself to me? Do you desire me? Never! Never! Deceive someone other than me, I have divorced you for the third time, so that you cannot return to me (metaphorically, of course; he is alluding to the fact that, in islam, the third divorce is final) your life is short, the existence you offer is base, and your danger is great. Alas for the scarcity of sustenance (good deeds), the great distance of the journey, and the loneliness of the road!”

Upon hearing this description, Mu`awiyah’s eyes swelled with tears, and not being able to hold them from gushing forth, he was forced to wipe them with his cuffs; and the same can be said for those who were present. Mu`awiyah then said, “May Allah have mercy on the father of Al-Hasan, for he was, by Allah, just as you described him to be. “

He then said, “O Dirar, describe your sadness at having lost him.”

“My sadness” began Dirar “is like the sadness of a woman who cannot control her tears or allay her grief after her child , while in her lap, has just been slaughtered.”

Dirar then stood up and left.

Sifatus-Safwah 1/66

* May Allah be pleased with them both.


Filed under Classics, From the Pages of History, Gems, Giants Amongst Men, Sifat as-Safwah

6 responses to “Description of ‘Ali that Made Mu`awiyah* Weep.

  1. Pingback: Description of 'Ali that Made Mu`awiyah Weep. - LI Islamic Forum

  2. UmmAyaan

    The love they had for each other is just amazing, something we don’t see anymore.


  3. can you please be a blogger in and can you write comments everyday.


  4. leyali

    as-salaamu alaykom

    قال حزن من ذبح ولدها في حجرها فلا ترقا عبرتها ولا يسكن حزنها

    machallah these words are beautiful. jazakallah khayran bro for putting posts like this on your blog. i feel like i grow stronger in the deen when i read them and stronger in the ‘ilm when i look up the arabic! its like a scavenger hunt to help me focus instead of just reading whatever people post all over the internet. 🙂

    if you dont mind then i will post the arabic here and inchallah someone else will also find it beneficial!

    “By Allah, he was (far-sighted) and very strong…And the weak person never lost hope of his justness.”

    ه :::… والله كان بعيد المدى شديد القوى يقول فصلا ويحكم عدلا يتفجر العلم من جوانبه وينطق بالحكمة من نواحيه يستوحش من الدنيا وزهرتها ويستأنس بالليل وظلمته كان والله غزير الدمعة طويل الفكرة بقلب كفه ويخاطب بفسه يعجبه من اللباس ما خشن ومن الطعام ما جشب كان والله كأحدنا يجيبنا إذا سألناه ويبتدئنا إذا أتيناه ويأتينا إذا دعوناه ونحن والله مع تقريبه لنا وقربه منا لا نكلمه هيبة ولا نبتديه لعظمه فان تبسم فعن مثل اللؤلؤ المنظوم يعظم أهل الدين ويحب المساكين لا يطمع القوي في باطله ولا يياس الضعيف من عدله …:::ه

    “I swear, by Allah, that on certain occasions, I saw him in his place of prayer… Alas for the scarcity of sustenance (good deeds), the great distance of the journey, and the loneliness of the road!”

    ه:::… واشهد بالله لقد رأيته في بعض مواقفه وقد أرخى الليل سجوفه وغارب نجومه وقد مثل في محرابه قابضا على لحيته يتململ تململ السليم ويبكي بكاء الحزين وكأني اسمعه وهو يقول يا دنيا يا دنيا أبي تعرضت أم لي تشوفت? هيهات هيهات غري غيري قد بتتك ثلاثا لا رجعة لي فيك فعمرك قصير وعيشك حقير وخطرك كبير آه من قلة الزاد وبعد السفر ووحشة الطريق …:::ه

    ““My sadness” began Dirar “is like the sadness of a woman who cannot control her tears or allay her grief after her child , while in her lap, has just been slaughtered.”

    ه:::…قال حزن من ذبح ولدها في حجرها فلا ترقا عبرتها ولا يسكن حزنها …:::ه

    machallah how can you read these words and not be moved?

    jazakallah khayran bro wa alaykom as-salaam


  5. Pingback: Description of Ali that Made Mu`awiyah* Weep - Islamic Awakening Forums

  6. Assalamualaykom,i weep as i read this,my heart just melt,Oh ALLAH bless the Prophet SAW and his family,fauziah


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